Educational Research Reports |
In keeping with our mission
as a land grant university, Michigan State University's College of
Education is pleased to introduce the Research Report Series.
These reports disseminate, in summary form, some of the research that
is being conducted by faculty in the College. The reports highlight
the practice and policy implication of the research and provided references
and internet links to the unabridged research.
November, 2005 |
After-School Computer Clubhouses and At-Risk Teens
Yong Zhao, Mark Girod (Western
Oregon University), and Joseph Martineau
Design-based Science and Student Learning
David Fortus, Charles Dershimer, Joe
Krajcik, Ronald W. Marx and Rachel Mamlok-Naaman
Hourly Wages: A Comparison Across Michigan Schools and Alternative
Debbi Harris and Marisa Burian-Fitzgerald
October, 2005 |
Equity and Capital Spending in Michigan Schools
David N. Plank and Tom Clay
Learning Time and Student Accountability
BetsAnn Smith, Melissa Roderick
and Sophie Degener
Rethinking Oral/Written Relations in the Echoes of Spoken Word
Anne Haas Dyson
May, 2005 |
Cultural Influences on Confidence
Mary Lundeberg, Paul Fox, Amy Brown and Salmar Elbedour
Why Technology Cannot Replace Teachers
Vivienne Collinson
Five of the Most Frequently Allowed
Testing Accommodations in State Policy
Sara Bolt and Martha L.
March, 2005 |
Education of Mathematics Teachers after World War II
Joan Ferrini-Mundy and Karen
Influence of a Motor Skill Intervention on Motor Skill Development
of Disadvantaged Preschool Children
Crystal Branta and Jacqueline
The Case
of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
Joan Ferrini-Mundy and W. Gary
January , 2005 |
Hoosiers, Hicks, and Hayseeds: The
Controversial Place of Marginalized Ethnic Whites in Multicultural
Elizabeth Heilman
Teaching Every Child to Read: Professional
Development Guide
Susan Florio-Ruane and Taffy
Leadership and School Performance
Helen Marks and Susan Printy
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