Team Leader: 
Dr. Cheryl Rosaen
Philippa Webb

Program Secretary: 
LaShon Brown

Cluster Leader: 
Sally Labadie
Cluster Leader: 
Judy Oesterle

Teacher Preparation Team 2
Pre-Internship Courses and Requirements (TE301,401,401):
Getting to Know Team 2 and Frequently Asked Questions

Responsibilities as a member of Preparation Team Two.  You may be wondering what it really means to become part of a teacher preparation team.  Team Two is a group of faculty, graduate students, collaborating teachers, and support personnel who are responsible for offering MSU’s course sequence, field experiences, and internship for teacher certification.  We support you in making timely progress throughout the program sequence and maintain records of that progress.  Your responsibilities in this process include: 

  • staying informed about deadlines for processing paperwork for the internship (distributed in the Student Handbook by the Student Affairs Office, 134 Erickson Hall)

  • meeting all deadlines in a timely manner

  • notifying Team Two, in writing, if there will be any delays in following the course sequence or if you intend to drop out of the teacher certification program 

We all play an important part in achieving clear and timely communication.

Contacting program personnel.  Team Two coordinating personnel and their contact information are listed on this website.  One of their duties is to monitor teacher candidates' progress through the program and to help them with problems that they may encounter.  Start with LaShon Brown, the Team Two Secretary at 353-3386, 118 Erickson Hall,  or e-mail brownl14@msu.edu.

Use e-mail.  E-mail is by far the easiest and most reliable way get in touch with Team Two instructors and coordinators.  Also, if you save it, e-mail leaves a record of your question, request, or statement.  Make it a habit!

Attendance. In a school, what group of persons must meet the most stringent expectations for attendance and punctuality?  Yes, teachers.  That's why attendance, both at course meetings and at work in schools, is emphasized in the program's professional conduct policy and in course syllabi.

The grade "incomplete." MSU policy is that “the ‘I’ (incomplete) grade may be given only when the student (a) has completed at least 12 weeks of the semester, but is unable to complete the class work and/or take the final examination because of illness or other compelling reasons; and (b) has done satisfactory work in the course; and (c) in the instructor’s judgment can complete the required work without repeating the course.”  Since each course from TE 301 on is a prerequisite for each succeeding course, incompletes must be cleared before the first meeting of the following course.  Therefore, it is wise to avoid Incompletes entirely.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where are the methods courses?  All of the TE courses from 301 through 804 are designed to contribute to wise action as a teacher. TE 301 addresses classroom management, motivating students to learn, and lesson planning.  TE 401 addresses the teaching and learning in math and language arts.  TE 402 addresses the teaching and learning in science and social studies.  TE 801-804 courses build on those introductions in the internship year, when you also will have extensive practice teaching.

  • When do we get experience in classrooms?  If you take TE 301 during the academic year when schools are in session, you will spend about two hours per week in schools; that will increase to four hours per week in TE 401 and 402.  School placements are closely linked to the course work and generally include observation, interviewing students, assisting the teacher to conduct the class, and (in TE 401 and 402) planning and teaching lessons.  Your responsibilities should  increase again in the fall of the internship year, but gradually, so as to prepare you to take the lead in the classroom during the spring.

  • When will I know my internship placement? Our goal (not a guarantee) is that every teacher candidate will know his or her internship placement by the end of TE 402.  We usually achieve that goal for most teacher candidates.  During TE 401, we ask your preferences regarding the internship, but do not guarantee they will be satisfied.  You also will be asked to provide a resume to be given to teachers with whom you might be placed.

  • When does the internship begin and end?  In general (there are some exceptions involving schools with unusual calendars), you will report to school on the first day that your collaborating teacher reports, and will follow the school 's calendar for holidays and winter and spring breaks.  You will finish your internship on MSU’s calendar; you can plan to be done by the end of finals week. 

  • Can I make my own arrangements for an intern placement (or any other placement)?  NO.  For good reasons, Team Two works with particular schools in particular districts and we coordinate coursework and field experiences closely with teachers in those schools. If there are special circumstances you would like to discuss about a placement, talk to Philippa Webb, Team Two Coordinator at 432-1687 or webbp@msu.edu .

  • What is the weekly schedule like during the internship year? You should keep every weekday until 5:00 p.m. available for program-related activities.  You will need to meet with your collaborating teacher after school, attend faculty meetings, attend a guided practice seminar in your school and attend university classes.  You will also need to have time to plan and prepare lessons, grade papers, etc.

  • Can I plan to work in the evening during the internship?  Many interns do need to work during the internship year but it is recommended that you work no more than ten hours per week.  If a heavier work schedule is necessary for you, talk it over with your cluster leader


Other MSU Resources

  • Regarding disabilities.  Students who have special needs and require accommodations in testing or other aspects of course-taking should speak to the instructor and call the Office of Programs for Handicapper Students at 353-9642.  The OPHS website is at http://www.msu.edu/unit/ophs/.

  • Counseling Center.  Even normal, capable, intelligent, and reasonable persons like teacher candidates sometimes face situations and problems that they find difficult to deal with by themselves.  Team Two's instructors or cluster leaders might be able to help.  Also, MSU has an Office of Student Affairs and Services, with a Counseling Center, for which the phone number is 355-8270.  The Center is at 207 Student Services Building.

  • Writing Center.  Teachers are models and coaches of writing for their students, and must communicate effectively in writing with colleagues, parents, and others.  For those reasons, teacher candidates are expected to write effectively and conventionally.  If you need more help in meeting those expectations than you can get from your instructors and other teacher candidates, try the Writing Center at 300 Bessey Hall, 432-3610.  Grammar Hotline:  432-1370  


College of Education | MSU | Department of Teacher Education | Team 2 |