February 4 - 5, 1999
Sponsored by

The Michigan State University College of Education
Office of Outreach

Click here for complete agenda
Purpose The purpose of the Educational Technology Leadership Institute is to bring together school district teams consisting of the designated technology coordinator, designated curriculum leader and one elementary or secondary principal to develop collaboration for effective technology planning that integrates the district’s curriculum.

Focus The Institute will focus on the issues of:
  • Leadership for change
  • Curriculum and technology integration
  • Professional development
  • Technology infrastructure implementation and support
  • Management

Outcomes The outcomes of the Institute will be:
  • A deeper understanding of the complexity of integrating technology and curriculum
  • A shared vision of how technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning
  • Leadership strategies to develop a comprehensive technology plan that incorporates the district’s strategic initiatives and school improvement plans
  • An understanding of effective professional development for technology integration

Program Description The Educational Technology Leadership Institute at Michigan State University will be held in two parts, the first on February 4 — 5, 1999 and the second on June 29 — 30, 1999. The February session will allow district teams to understand the roles they will play in the technology planning process, understand the issues that they will be confronted with, and allow guided work time to develop the initial phases of a curriculum integrated technology plan. The June session is intended as an opportunity to finalize and prepare for implementing the plan in the following year and for use in seeking grants and additional funding. Between the February and June sessions, teams will work with their local districts to develop their plans.

Cost The registration fee is $150 per team per session. Teams are expected to attend both the February and June sessions. Costs include all meals, conference materials and lodging at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center at Michigan State University. The Institute is limited to 50 teams of three members each. Selection of teams will be based on the number of applicants per region.

Application Information Application forms are available here in html format.
Printable versions of the Application forms are available here in pdf format.

Applications are due by January 15th 1999. Those teams accepted will be notified by January 25th.

Questions and requests for applications should be directed to Andrew Henry at 517-353-5234 or through e.mail at henryand@msu.edu.

This Institute is funded by a grant from the Michigan Jobs Commission and the Michigan Virtual University to the College of Education at Michigan State University.

For complete agenda click here.