COE Home College Programs Research Outreach Reports People Alumni News Search Undergraduate Award Recipients | Graduate Award Recipients Undergraduate Award Recipients 2006 Jessica Abel Judith A. and John W. Kleeves Scholarship in Math Education Ryan Andersen Steller/Knepper Endowed Scholarship for Stellar Scholars Melanie Bates Janice Marston Memorial Scholarship Brooke Bator Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund Kathryn Beal Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Melissa Beaudre Frederick L. and Margaret E. Hubacker Endowed Scholarship in Education Jenifer Bennett Marian A. Dammon Scholarship Michele Berry John M. Mason Scholarship in Science Education Torian Billings College of Education Alumni Scholarship Virginia Birringer Juett-Hackett Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education Lindsie Boykin Glenn and Thelma Buell College of Education Endowed Scholarship Eileen Briggs Hazen J. and Margaret S. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Tsoguik Broutian Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching Justin Bruner Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund Michelle Buffa Louise W. Stilwill Endowed Scholarship Jerry Byxbe Irene H. and Dr. Lloyd M. Williams Endowed Scholarship Meghan Callahan Karen J. O'Donovan Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in Teacher Education Laura Casper-Teague Glenn and Thelma Buell College of Education Endowed Scholarship Meredith Centofante William F. and Harriette C. Cook Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship for the Study of Literacy Zandile Chirunga Geraldine T. Elliott Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education Callie Clausnitzer Geraldine T. Elliott Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education Alicia Copestick Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Jennifer Craft Beulah R. Crane Scholarship W. Vernon Hicks Memorial Scholarship Jessica Curell Jennie E. Eason Special Education Scholarship Kelli Cynecki William F. and Harriette C. Cook Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship for the Study of Literacy Rachel Danko Nelson-MacLellan Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education Jenna Delaney Margaret F. Lorimer Endowed Scholarship in Education Sara DeVoogd Sterling G. Murray Memorial Grant Brianna English College of Education Alumni Freshman Scholarship Robert Freeman Dortha E. and John D. Withrow Endowed Scholarship in Education Andrea Gillis Cotterman Family Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education Jessica Haggerty J. Franklin Hyde Scholarship in Science Education Erin Hansen Irene H. and Dr. Lloyd M. Williams Endowed Scholarship Michelle Harvey Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund Amanda Howe Kathleen and Eldon Murphy Scholarship in Education Christina Hunter-Brown Frank M. and Ernestine D. Simmons Endowed Scholarship in Education Deborah Irwin Joann and Robert Hawkins Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education Rebecca Jaeger Kermit H. and Ruth M. Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund for Prospective Teachers Amy Johnson Cotterman Family Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education Jessica Kinsey Roy K. Niemeyer Award Jessica Koch Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Kari Kracht Nancy and Roger Bandeen Scholarship in Education Gina Kulhawik Jennie E. Eason Special Education Scholarship Faculty Folk Endowed Scholarship Sarah Lawrence Margaret F. Lorimer Endowed Scholarship in Education Jana LoBello Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching Katie Lundberg Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Sara Matthews-Kaye Glenn and Thelma Buell College of Education Endowed Scholarship Akia McCord Geraldine T. Elliott Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education Katherine McKinley Glenn D. Berkheimer Family Endowed Scholarship in Science Education Tara McMurtrie Janice Marston Memorial Scholarship Ashley Meyers Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching Nina Miller Arthur R. and Pearl Butler Scholarship Heidi Misaras Victor H. and Rachel P. Noll Scholarship in Education Ryan Murray Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund Renee O'Connell Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Rebecca Parker Angeline Buckwick Endowed Scholarship Lisa Phillips Juett-Hackett Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education Lisa Powers Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching Laura Prochaska Beulah R. Crane Scholarship Stephanie Quandt Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund Katherine Rich Norene Keaton Memorial Calhoun County MSU Alumni Association Scholarship Shaun Ross Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Melinda Roth Lisa A. Knaup Endowed Memorial Scholarship Leah Rudolph Beulah R. Crane Scholarship Anna Sapak College of Education Alumni Freshman Scholarship Katherine Sarow Irene H. and Dr. Lloyd M. Williams Endowed Scholarship Maranda Schaeffer Glenn and Thelma Buell College of Education Endowed Scholarship Anne Schehr Florence Rudman Endowed Scholarship in Early Childhood Education Elsbeth Schweitzer Beulah R. Crane Scholarship Jacob Seng Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Brandon Sethi Michael A. Clark Endowed Scholarship Angela Sherman College of Education Alumni Incentive Scholarship Kerianne Sherwood Arthur R. and Pearl Butler Scholarship Kristin Slattery Marian A. Dammon Scholarship Amanda Smith Lisa A. Knaup Endowed Memorial Scholarship Melissa Sparks Peter M. and Catherine M. Bentz Memorial Scholarship in Education Elena Strom Jennie E. Eason Special Education Scholarship Tracy Szutkowski Hazen J. and Margaret S. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Melissa Szymanski Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching Melissa Tremblay Henry J. and Betty Montoye Endowed Scholarship Sarah Palmer/Terri Tarbell Scholarship Elizabeth Trexler Steller/Knepper Endowed Scholarship for Stellar Scholars Sarah Trudell Marian A. Dammon Scholarship Lucas VanEtten Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Abby Velie Dortha E. and John D. Withrow Endowed Scholarship in Education Anna Walters Hazen J. and Margaret S. Wilson Endowed Scholarship Jennifer Weston Irene B. Arens Faculty Folk Scholarship Justin Wilk Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund Lauren Wilton Faculty Folk Endowed Scholarship Adrienne Wisda Julian W. Smith Memorial Scholarship Allison Zolad John M. Mason Scholarship in Science Education Graduate Award Recipients 2006 Hasan Abdel-Kareem Teacher Education Fellowship Jody Jessup Anger Dean's Scholar Award Mary Barron William Wohlgamuth Memorial Fellowship for the Study of Youth in Sports Alison Billman Robert Craig Fellowship in Psychological Studies in Education Tara Brinkman Erickson Research Fellow Shenita Brokenburr Donald H. Nickerson Fellowship in Cultural Diversity and Minority Concerns Adam Bruenger Clifford E. Erickson Memorial Fund Renae Beyerlein Richard Lee Featherstone Scholarship Aliah Carolan-Silva Teacher Education Fellowship Hsin-Yuan Chen Dean's Scholar Amy Damrow Dean's Scholar Award Michael DeSchryver Robert Craig Fellowship in Psychological Studies in Education Mary Douglas Dean's Scholar Award Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Minh Duong Anderson-Schwille Fellowship in International Education Yu Fang Anderson-Schwille Fellowship in International Education Timothy Ford Erickson Research Fellow Nicole Forrester Donald H. Nickerson Fellowship in Cultural Diversity and Minority Concerns Melissa Fraser Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Jennifer Gilbert Ann Marie Bolger Memorial Scholarship in Student Affairs Kristin Gunckel Hinman Graduate Fellowship Bernard Gwekwerere Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education Fellowship Juliet Halladay Dean's Scholar Award Xue Han Janice Marston Memorial Scholarship Amy Jo Jamison Dean's Scholar Award Sarah Kasten Dean's Scholar Award Muhammad Khalifa Clyde M. Campbell Endowed Fellowship Fund Hongbo Li Dean's Scholar Award Ning Li Erickson Research Fellow Huawen Liao Dean's Scholar Award John Lockhart Marianne Amarel Fellowship for the Scholarship of Teaching Melissa McDaniels College of Education Alumni Fellowship Marguerite Moore Kinesiology Fellowship Suzanne Moore Walter F. and Mary Jane Johnson Dissertation Research Award Kyle Morrison Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity Lanay Mudd William W. Heusner Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Kinesiology Joshua Ode Kinesiology Fellowship Carolyn Ozaki Keith Goldhammer Endowed Scholarship in Educational Administration Ben Pogodzinski Dean's Scholar Award Niki Rudolph James A. Wilson Fellowship Kamila Rosolova College of Education Alumni Fellowship Margaret Sampson Casmer F. Heilman Endowed Fellowship within the College of Education Sandra Schmidt College of Education Alumni Fellowship Fatma Nevra Seggie Richard Lee Featherstone Scholarship Rebecca Shankland College of Education Alumni Scholarship Jennifer Stiller Dean's Scholar Award Paul Tanner Erickson Research Fellow Maria Villalobos-Buehner Clyde M. Campbell Endowed Fellowship Fund Kimberly Wolbers David S. Evans Memorial Scholarship back to top | College of Education | MSU | Contact Us |
COE Home College Programs Research Outreach Reports People Alumni News Search
Undergraduate Award Recipients | Graduate Award Recipients Undergraduate Award Recipients 2006
Steller/Knepper Endowed Scholarship for Stellar Scholars
Hilda F. Mitchell Internship Fund
Juett-Hackett Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education
Paul and Mavis Pitzer Endowed Scholarship for Urban Teaching
Irene H. and Dr. Lloyd M. Williams Endowed Scholarship
Karen J. O'Donovan Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in Teacher Education
William F. and Harriette C. Cook Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship for the Study of Literacy
Geraldine T. Elliott Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education
Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity
Beulah R. Crane Scholarship W. Vernon Hicks Memorial Scholarship
College of Education Alumni Freshman Scholarship
Kathleen and Eldon Murphy Scholarship in Education
Frank M. and Ernestine D. Simmons Endowed Scholarship in Education
Nancy and Roger Bandeen Scholarship in Education
Victor H. and Rachel P. Noll Scholarship in Education
Glenn and Thelma Buell College of Education Endowed Scholarship
Florence Rudman Endowed Scholarship in Early Childhood Education
Beulah R. Crane Scholarship
Marian A. Dammon Scholarship
Henry J. and Betty Montoye Endowed Scholarship Sarah Palmer/Terri Tarbell Scholarship
Dortha E. and John D. Withrow Endowed Scholarship in Education
Graduate Award Recipients 2006
Dean's Scholar Award Janet A. Wessel Award in Adapted Physical Activity
College of Education Alumni Fellowship
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